Electric heating is greener and cleaner than gas

Wind turbines

Government figures released in 2018 show that electric heating is better for the environment than gas.

This revelation is due to investments in renewable energy, plus a reduced reliance on coal-fired power stations. Another big influence is a re-think on how carbon emissions for new houses are measured.

Renewable energy

There has been a huge increase in the installation of wind and solar farms, leading to greener energy in the UK. In fact, average CO2 from the UK’s electricity grid has halved in six years. This means the carbon footprint of electric-based heating is more favourable than other methods like gas.

In comparison, gas is a ‘fossil’ fuel, formed from the remnants of living matter from millions of years ago. While it is the cleanest of the fossil fuels, it’s still the UK’s biggest source of greenhouse gases.

Carbon emissions

Gas systems produce damaging carbon emissions. With climate targets increasing, gas could become obsolete in a matter of years.

Electric heating is clean and respectful to the environment. It does not emit polluting gases or use heavy metals.

How this affects your home

We all want to live in a more sustainable, greener home. That means heating our rooms and water using an energy source with low carbon emissions, like electricity.

Heating systems of any kind generate an environmental impact that we all want to reduce. Heating your home accounts for 65% of your total energy use. That’s larger than cooking, heating water, and use of electric devices like TVs, hoovers, washing machines, tumble driers, and kettles combined.

With electric heating technology increasing in efficiency but reducing in price, it will soon be the ideal solution for heating homes in the UK.

The impact on new homes

SAP (’Standard Assessment Procedure’) is the calculation used to work out the emission rate of a new house, it’s predicted energy-efficiency and predicted fuel costs.

The government is set to update SAP, predicted for some point in 2019. This new version (‘SAP 10’) will change the perspective on electric heating, especially in the eyes of home builders, property developers, and landlords.

The current SAP assumes that electricity produces 2.4 times the carbon emissions of mains gas. SAP 10 will update this figure to reflect that electricity is 55% cleaner than before. This change is due to the increased use of wind and solar farms by the UK energy grid.

Once SAP 10 is official, homes heated by electric systems will produce virtually the same CO2 emissions as gas.

With electric heating systems being much cheaper and faster to install, there will be a strong move towards electric heating in new homes.

What you can do now

You won’t have to buy a new home to live in a ‘green’ house! Each year sees electric heating products like radiators and storage heaters become more efficient. This is thanks to developments in new innovative thermal elements and state-of-the-art programming.

You can help protect the environment and save money by ensuring your radiators and heaters are using the latest advances in electric heating. Have a look through our modern electric heaters – they are all Lot 20 compliant, meaning they meet the energy efficiency requirements set by the EU for heating.